Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Fucking Hackers. Wankers. Metaphorically, and Physically.

I hate snotty nosed, spotty faced, think they are smart arse, good for nothing, hackers.

I have no problems with genuine hackers, and I even have a laugh at some big corporations when they get taken out. All good sport.

But the pieces of under carpet shit who have nothing better to do than disrupt the  lives  of normal people are not worth the steam off my piss.

The little shits cost me a night of sleep last night, not for the first time. No, they were too stupid to be successful.  But they lost me precious time with my family that I will never get back.

They hide behind their boxes in their bedrooms whilst they toss themselves off and think that they are some kind of god, when in actual fact they are small minded, anally retentive cretins who haven't got the balls to face anyone and would stain their nappies if they came face to face with the people they try to attack.

If they were animals you would have them put down. Cartridges are cheap.

Unfortunately most are script kiddies who are several sandwiches short of the full picnic and just aren't bright enough to do anything but copy & paste and waste others time. 

The rest are people who never quite grew up and can't face the world with their real names or real addresses. They hide behind pathetic kindergarten nicknames like HaankeezOnMyKoc, W0nker and PhatSp0ttiRRse. They think they are cool cos they hang out on forums with names like Wankerez and Security Teamz. Yes, you know who you are you spineless bunch of vandals & criminals.

Tossers the lot them. Go rot in hell. You make the world a poorer place and make me want to puke.

If I could, I'd shoot the lot of you. Better than that, I'm not afraid to throttle the life out of you with my bare hands, the same way that you throttle the life out of the very system that allowed you leeches to breed in the first place.

 Fucking 'so called' hackers.

My name is John Crisp. Forget your bits and bytes. If you want to meet me face to face 1 on 1 so we can get it on for real and so I can rearrange your ugly faces into something even your mum will scream at, reroute your nervous system to keep you in pain for the rest of your life, and send you back in REAL bits to your mates then just let me know.

Address will be supplied on demand....

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