Thursday, June 5, 2014

Firefox 29 crashes, bugs, slow, resource hog

Firefox crash and burn

Well, I allowed my Xbuntu 12.04 LTS to install the much heralded new Firefox 29.

It lasted 20 minutes.

It was so SLOW. It crashed all over the place - just locking up or falling over.

I can't find the blog post from one of the FF bunch telling the world how wonderful it is, but I personally think they are talking bollocks.

The new interface thing sucks. I just want my normal menus thank you. If they want to update to something else, please ask the question before you come along and without asking run my entire working day.

A quick 'would  you like the new shiny go faster interface or the one you chose and are familiar with ' would help instead of wholesale unasked for changes.

I said once before that Linux is about choice. Some 'head up his arse' dev sent a link to some site saying there is no choice.

There isn't when the 'they know better than me brigade' decide to change things and leave you no alternatives. Devs should stick to what they ARE good at - coding. Love them as I do, in my experience they are bloody useless when it comes to PR, understanding people or anything outside of a text editor. If they were any good at that stuff they woudn't be coding, would they ?

So how to fix Firefox ?

sudo apt-get remove firefox

Get the well hidden ESR version and download it to a directory :


tar-xjf firefox-24.5.0esr.tar.bz2

Create a new program link on your desktop or menu.

Point it to the firefox binary



Enjoy your boring old stable Firefox.

Whilst I'm about it....

Nautilus is another bloody mess. They took out my most used feature by removing dual panes support as they were trying to suck up to Gnome and tablet users. Stupid full screen single pane crap just doesn't do it on my desktop.

Why not leave the function in ? No more 'Copy To Other Pane' as it is difficult too code for two separate windows. Idiots. And it didn't hurt anyone.

To fix it :
sudo apt-get remove nautilus
sudo apt-get install nemo

Nemo is a Mint fork which retains dual pane support. Long may it remain.

Looks like the same thing with that awful Windows lookalike 'Whisper' menu in Xubuntu 14.04

How to remove Whisper menu from Xubuntu 14.04 trusty :

Right click, remove from the panel. Add new panel item and put your old style menu back again.

So, world now put to rights. Job done. Beer o'clock.

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