Saturday, July 5, 2014

Koozali SME Server v9 Released

I'm proud to announce that after 18 months of intense work, we have managed to release v9 of Koozali SME Server.

This has been a massive task and a huge amount of work for the small but dedicated team behind it.

You can download it from here :

Release announcement is here :

Remember, it is free to download install and use, but it is NOT free to build.

We have numerous costs associated with producing Koozali SME, the largest being the hosting costs. If you want to see it continue, please consider a donation.

If you use it in your business, especially if you are an integrator and profiting from its use, please pass a little of that profit back to Koozali so we can continue to update and build new versions.

The easy to setup and simple to use small business server is now based on RHEL/CentOS 6.

In migrating to CentOS 6 the main plan was to move everything 'as is' (as much as we could) to the new, more 'up to date' base. Please see the release notes for other items fixed or updated.

Now we are on the new base we can start to look at other areas of the system that we can update - the server manager panel iteself will be a major focus for us as we head to towards RHEL / CentOS 7

A huge thank you to all those involved in the project.

One note of extreme sadness is that Chris Burnat, one of our senior developers, and without whose support and huge efforts we would be nowhere near finished, died shortly before we released.

We dedicate this release to the memory of him.

Thank you Chris. May your star shine forever brightly.

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